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08 أيلول/سبتمبر 2023

eXinvest is Global Trading

eXinvest is Global Trading

eXinvest stands for "EXtreme INVESTments company" and, in parallel with its core business, is distinguished by the increasingly central role it has taken on as a supplier in large commodities and raw materials tenders in general.

From oil&gas to metals, via food, eXinvest has fed supply channels among the most important in the world, qualifying also for its ability to create innovative and "customized" financial instruments capable of guaranteeing and satisfying the needs of its clients.

Oil & Gas

eXinvest is a supplier to major European and North African Distribution Groups for refined, additive and crude oil products. This includes a network of incumbent producers and refineries around the world.


eXinvest's culture in metals, alloys and scrap stems from the contracts generated by each of our working relationships, which is distinguished by the ability to position ourselves as a partner and not just a global supplier.

Stable foods

Wheat, sugar, vegetables are just some of the raw materials that eXinvest sources through its procurement office in Vaduz. The common denominator of all global trading is also the office in the Forst Building, which gathers global trade among the major entities arrive today.

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