Benghazi Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture (BENCCI)
Benghazi Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture (BENCCI)

The first attached photos date back to December 2019, when I was invited to Benghazi by the Benghazi Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture (BENCCI) to assess post-war reconstruction plans.
That visit is still strongly imprinted in my heart today because more than a business trip it was a very powerful life experience.
Yesterday, more than five years later and with many pharmaceutical supplies and hospital projects carried out in Libya, I had the honour to meet again with the President of the Benghazi Chamber of Commerce manam alsaety, the Director of International Affairs Ramadan Bubtana and to meet the General Manager for Libya - Egypt relations Mohammed Rafa.
In the meeting that took place, very interesting points emerged and we evaluated the results obtained to date, considering that today's Libya and in particular Cyrenaica are lands full of opportunities and with growth typical of territories emerging from a period of war.
Wishing Libya steady growth and a long period of serenity and political stability, I made a bet with the President of the Chamber: we promised each other that in 60 days he will set up a table of meetings and meetings to present the private and public needs of Cyrenaica today and I will open a company in Benghazi to meet their demands and create jobs there!
Already today, both teams in Dubai and Benghazi will be working on the drafting of a Memorandum of Understanding to unite and coordinate eXinvest of Emirates and BENCCI.
Goodbye President, thank you for your visit🙏
www.finchemo.com (coming soon)
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